
Working together is essential in mental health, and here are some bridges to other services. Many of these are great agencies that do fantastic work. 

With that said, none are directly affiliated with our practice.  

The Hope Institute

The Hope Institute is a sister operation to Perrysburg Counseling, with the support of national partners including CAMS-Care.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Available 24 hours, in english and spanish.

Crisis Text Line

Available 24 hours from anywhere in the USA-

Veterans Crisis Line

Press 1 Text 83825

Wood County Crisis Line
The University of Toledo Kobacker Center

The Kobacker Center specializes in helping children and teens struggle with severe emotional troubles.

Runaway Switchboard

A toll-free line for teens to get help for themselves or a friend who is thinking of running away.

The Dougy Center

The Dougy Center, based in Portland, Oregon, offers helpful resources on its website for children and adolescents dealing with grief.